The IMPACT Club project model is an integrated approach to youth engagement that fosters the skills, behaviors and attitudes necessary in youth for improved participation in their communities’ social, civic and economic life. IMPACT Clubs are groups of adolescents who meet weekly to have fun, learn, and serve their communities together. Through games, discussions, reflection and projects, this program aims to provide youth with the skills, behaviors and attitudes they need in their lives and how they can help their community. At meetings, IMPACT Club members work together to identify community problems, brainstorm possible solutions, identify community resources, and plan and implement community service-learning projects.
An IMPACT group is newly created by the NGO With Community for Change. This youth group is mainly composed by high school students of the city of Vlora. With Community for Change staff has introduced the group with the 4 topics of the first module of the Active citizenship curricula “Me and IMPACT” during April 2018. These topics were : 1- Discovering IMPACT, 2 – My involvement matters, 3 – Becoming a final team and 4 – Service: Why bother. They became acquainted with the structure of the program, the concept of the group and that of belonging to a community. Also during the meetings the participants realized that serving others is a natural expression of love and humility that also brings many benefits to the person who carries it out.
IMPACT club – Module “I and IMPACT”