At the base of the IMPACT module method stands the undertaking of community-based initiatives and projects by the youth members of the group. To this end, in June 2018, was organized the first initiative with the theme “Cleaning of the Plazhi Vjeter seashore” in collaboration with “Halim Xhelo” high school in Vlora. The purpose of this initiative was to clean up the seashore in the area of former holiday cabins to provide a service to the community but also to serve as awareness rising on the existence of the pollution problem and to maintain the environment clean.
This initiative was attended by the IMPACT youth group members, the teaching staff and pupils of the “Halim Xhelo” school. Direct beneficiaries of this initiative were 100 resident families of that area and indirect beneficiaries were the vacationers who choose the area for their holidays and the entire community of that area.